Signs Your Plantar Fasciitis is Healing

Signs Your Plantar Fasciitis is Healing

By Vessel Crew


If you have plantar fasciitis, you know the pain that can come with every step and how it can negatively affect your life. It is almost impossible to avoid using your feet, and the recovery process can be long and frustrating.

Luckily, your plantar fasciitis will heal, and you will eventually take a pain-free step. You may not realize the progress at first, but slowly you will have fewer plantar fasciitis symptoms. Is your plantar fasciitis healed? Is it ok to start jumping back into activities that you had previously stopped? Can you start wearing less supportive footwear? Starting activities too early and wearing unsupportive footwear can be risky and set back your recovery if your plantar fasciitis has not fully healed. It is essential to know the signs of a healthy plantar fascia and signs that you need a little bit more time and rest.

Below are some key signs your plantar fasciitis is healing and some tips to help you in the recovery process.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

First, what is plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a widespread cause of heel pain that affects about 10% of the U.S. adult population. The plantar fascia is a long flat ligament on the bottom of your foot. It connects your heel bone to your toes to support the arch of your foot. Like other ligaments in your body, it can stretch within limits and then return to normal.

If too much tension and stress are applied, small tears can form in the fascia, and it becomes inflamed. Unfortunately, we rarely give the fascia enough time to properly heal, so the body patches the inflamed fascia with scar tissue.

Repeatedly doing this over months or years causes more tears and scar tissue until your fascia is in a state of degeneration with chronic pain. Those small scar tissue areas have formed a large area of scar tissue, a disorganized mess of collagen, nerves, and blood vessels. This disorganized tissue inhibits your body from healing the injury and causes chronic pain.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis can include:

    • Sharp, stabbing pain in your heel
    • Radiating pain in the heel and ankle
    • Reduced range of motion in foot and ankle
    • Bruising or swelling on the bottom of your foot
    • Difficulty walking, standing, or running
    • Dull aching pain or cramp through your arch or from your heel to your toes

We will discuss common treatment options later, but first, let us talk about a few signs your plantar fasciitis is healing.

Signs your Plantar Fasciitis is healing

Knowing the indicators of plantar fasciitis healing are important for recovery. Some of the key signs that your plantar fasciitis is healing are listed below.

1. Your First Steps in the Mornings Are Easier

One of the most prominent signs of plantar fasciitis is a sharp, stabbing pain you may feel with your first steps in the morning. A lack of pain when you get out of bed is one of the first signs that your plantar fasciitis is healing. Why does it feel better? A lack of pain in the morning indicates a reduction in inflammation.

Be careful to keep up the therapeutic activities that got you to this point. For example, keep wearing your supportive shoes or orthotics that help provide cushioning and support to the fascia.

2. Your Pain is Becoming More Localized

Plantar fasciitis pain can radiate from your foot and heel into the ankle and calf. This pain can affect how you walk, leading to pain in your knees, hips, and lower back.

If you notice a reduction in pain in these areas, this is a good sign that your plantar fasciitis is healing. With a reduction in pain, you have probably started walking more normal, thereby reducing stress on your knees, hips, and back. You may still have localized pain in your foot, but reducing the radiating pain is a good step forward.

3. Your Range of Motion is Improving

Stretching is an often overlooked but necessary plantar fasciitis treatment. Stretching can be painful because the fascia is inflamed, but stretching can help strengthen and elongate the fibers to handle stress better.

If you notice that your foot and calf stretches are becoming easier, this is a sign that your range of motion is improving and that healing has begun. Your ability to move your toes and foot through a broader range of motion is a good sign your plantar fasciitis is healing.

4. Swelling and Bruising are Fading

If you suffer from severe plantar fasciitis, you may have noticed swelling or bruising around your arch or heel. These symptoms indicate that your plantar fascia is inflamed and most likely has microtears. Not everyone experiences these symptoms, but do not get frustrated if you have. If you noticed your foot is less swollen or bruised, that is a good sign that you are on the way to recovery.

Healing plantar fasciitis takes time and rest. It is a relief when your foot is starting to feel better, and you see signs of healing, but be careful to keep up the stretches and therapies that get you to this point. While the facia heals, patience can be difficult, but it is necessary as healing requires time and rest. How long does it take to heal plantar fasciitis?

How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

Plantar fasciitis is most often a result of years of stress that damage the plantar fascia. Healing plantar fasciitis can take a long-time, often because it is challenging to stay off your feet and give them the rest necessary for healing. There is a range for recovery times, but for those that catch it early and follow self-care or doctor-directed treatments, the average time is six months.

A pound of prevention is worth an ounce of cure, even for plantar fasciitis. Understanding what causes plantar fasciitis may help you prevent this painful condition. To learn how to prevent plantar fasciitis, you can read our blog here. While six months seems like a long time, ignoring plantar fasciitis may make a recovery a lot longer. The following are some common plantar fasciitis treatments.

How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

For most people suffering from plantar fasciitis, recovery is about 6-months with conservative treatments. These plantar fasciits treatments range from therapies you can do at home, such as icing and rest, to treatments your doctor may recommend, such as physical therapy.

Most people start with icing, rest, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to decrease inflammation and reduce pain. 

Utilizing supportive footwear and orthotic inserts is an excellent way to decrease your foot’s stress by providing cushioning and support.

A doctor may also recommend physical therapy or night splints to stretch and strengthen your fascia. A steroid injection may also be considered to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Be careful, though; multiple injections may weaken the fascia and cause additional damage.

If you have done all these conservative treatments but still have plantar fasciitis pain, your doctor may recommend plantar fasciotomy surgery or non-invasive High-energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy treatment.

OrthoWave® is an FDA-approved, High-energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (HeSWT) treatment that is a non-invasive alternative to surgery. Only a single session of OrthoWave® is needed, and there is no downtime after your treatment, unlike surgery. Since 2010, HeSWT is recommended over the surgery by the College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons because it is exceptionally safe and highly effective.


Plantar fasciitis is painful, and the road to recovery looks a little bit different for each person. There are a few common signs your plantar fasciitis is healing and knowing these are important. If you do not see signs of healing, you do not have to live with the pain of plantar fasciitis. There are numerous treatment options when others have failed, including surgery or Orthowave HeSWT. The important thing is that you get you back on your feet and doing the things you love again, pain-free.

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Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

By Vessel Crew

Plantar fasciitis is a widespread cause of heel pain and affects about 10% of the U.S. adult population. With such a high prevalence, it is important to understand the symptoms and causes of plantar fasciitis while also looking at what a plantar fasciitis diagnosis means and treatment options.

What is Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a long flat ligament on the bottom of your foot. It connects your heel bone to your toes to support the arch of your foot. Like other ligaments in your body, it can stretch within limits and then return to normal.

Foot Plantar fasciitis If too much tension and stress are applied, small tears can form in the fascia. When the condition is new or acute, it causes inflammation of the plantar fascia and is called plantar fasciitis. Of course, many people push through the discomfort. They rarely give the fascia enough time to properly heal, so the body patches the inflamed fascia with scar tissue.

Repeatedly doing this over months or years causes more tears and scar tissue, until your fascia is in a state of degeneration with chronic pain. Not only do you have an area of significant scar tissue now, but the blood vessels in that area are disorganized. These inhibit your body from healing the injury and causing chronic pain.

plantar fascia is a long flat ligament on the bottom of your foot
These are common plantar fasciitis symptoms

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

Help! My foot hurts!

If you have felt stabbing pain on the bottom of your foot when taking your first steps in the morning or during activities, then you know plantar fasciitis can be very painful.

You may feel a dull or sharp pain in your heel or the arch of your foot. It may also feel like the bottom of your foot is bruised with a deep ache. The pain is usually worse when you first stand up after sitting, but it may start feeling better as you begin walking and warm up the fascia. These are common plantar fasciitis symptoms. We will talk next about the causes of plantar fasciitis.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Why does my foot hurt so much? Your feet take a pounding every day with the stress of every step, skip, and hop. The plantar fascia is a ligament in your foot shaped like a bowstring that connects your heel to your toes. It supports the arch of your foot and acts as a shock absorber while walking, running, stepping, and exercising.

Small tears form when there is too much tension on this bowstring. The repeated over-stretching of the plantar fascia causes irritation or tiny tears and leads to plantar fasciitis, the plantar fascia’s inflammation.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common injuries affecting millions of Americans. Understanding the common causes of plantar fasciitis and risk factors is essential to preventing it. If you are between the ages of 40-60 and are overweight, you are much more likely to develop plantar fasciitis.

Exercises and occupations that put excessive stress on your feet can also cause plantar fasciitis. For example, plantar fasciitis is prevalent in runners, nurses, mechanics, teachers, and other occupations that require much time on their feet. These risk factors, combined with foot mechanics and non-supportive footwear, are among the most common causes of plantar fasciitis.

Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis:

    1. Age
    2. Foot mechanics
    3. Overweight
    4. Certain types of exercises & Certain occupations
    5. Non-supportive footwear

1. Age

Plantar fasciitis is most common in middle-aged and older adults between the ages of 40 and 60, affecting women slightly more than men. As you age, your feet may flatten, and you may notice a drop in your arch. With this change in foot mechanics, the plantar fascia becomes increasingly unable to absorb and distribute each step’s shock. It becomes stressed and small tears form.

When you are younger, the plantar fascia can quickly repair itself, and your feet can maintain a better arch. With age, the plantar fascia cannot preserve its shape as well, the bowstring relaxes, and your foot arch drops. This does not happen to everyone but is more prevalent with age.

2. Foot Mechanics

Foot mechanics, the foot structure, is another common cause of plantar fasciitis affecting people of all ages. For people with naturally flat or even high arches, the plantar fascia may not effectively support the arch and absorb each step’s shock. Overpronation (foot rolls in), supination (foot rolls out), and abnormal walking patterns can affect weight distribution in your feet and put added stress on the plantar fascia.

Walking with a slight limp due to back, hip, or knee pain can affect your feet as well. For example, some people notice that their feet start feeling better after they treat a problem with their knees. A podiatrist may recommend a pair of orthotics to fit into your shoes for those with low arches. This helps support the foot, improve the foot mechanics, and improve plantar fasciitis symptoms.

The extra pounds put additional stress on not only your heart and joints but also on your feet

3. Overweight

Another common cause of plantar fasciitis is having a high body mass index or being overweight. The extra pounds put additional stress on not only your heart and joints but also on your feet. Since the plantar fascia is a shock absorber, the additional pressure applied in each step from extra weight requires the plantar fascia to absorb more shock. This additional stress and pounding on the feet are a prevalent cause of plantar fasciitis. There is a documented correlation between obesity and plantar fasciitis. Doctors often speak to their patients about the role of weight loss in plantar fasciitis treatment.

4. Certain Exercises and Occupations

Certain types of exercise and occupations also lead to an increased risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Activities that put a lot of stress on your feet, such as long-distance running and ballet, commonly lead to plantar fasciitis. The same is true for jobs that require long periods of standing or walking. Teachers, nurses, mechanics, and other occupations that spend hours on their feet can often develop this painful condition. Whether it is due to exercise or work, these activities can easily overstress your plantar fascia and cause this painful condition.

Activities that put a lot of stress on your feet

5. Non-supportive Footwear

Your choice of footwear can put you at a higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Improper shoes put additional and/or unbalanced stress on your feet. The shape of your footwear and the type of footwear chosen for a prolonged activity can negatively affect your foot mechanics and lead to unneeded stress on the plantar fascia.

It is essential for runners that you have good shock absorbing shoes that support your arch and are frequently changed out based on your mileage. If you walk a lot as part of your job or stand for extended periods on hard surfaces like concrete, supportive cushioned shoes are necessary.

Sorry, high heels and flip flops are popular but are non-supportive shoes. High heels are not good because they put your feet in an unnatural position and cause uneven weight distribution. The lack of arch support and heel cushion can put excessive stress on your plantar fascia with flip flops.

plantar fascia is a long flat ligament on the bottom of your foot

Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis

Suppose you have experienced the plantar fasciitis symptoms listed above and are in a high-risk category. In that case, it is essential to see your family doctor or podiatrist. It would be best if you did not try to self-diagnose your pain as numerous other injuries have similar symptoms.

Doctors base their plantar fasciitis diagnosis on a physical exam and a review of your medical history. While examining your foot, locating the area of pain helps rule out other injuries like Achilles tendonitis. Your doctor might also recommend an X-ray or MRI to ensure that no other problem, such as a stress fracture or nerve entrapment, is a cause of your pain.

Depending on the length of time you have experienced plantar fasciitis symptoms, a doctor will give either an acute or chronic plantar fasciitis diagnosis. It is essential to know and understand the difference between the two because your treatment plan’s effectiveness depends on an accurate plantar fasciitis diagnosis.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

If you have experienced plantar fasciitis symptoms for fewer than six months, you most likely have acute plantar fasciitis. If your symptoms have persisted for more than six months, there is a high likelihood that you have chronic plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis treatments range from conservative therapies, such as icing and rest, to surgery or a non-invasive High-energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy treatment.

For most acute plantar fasciitis sufferers, conservative treatments and rest usually work. Most people start with rest and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin, to decrease inflammation and reduce pain. A steroid injection can also reduce inflammation and relieve pain, but multiple injections may weaken the fascia and cause additional damage.

Other treatments include physical therapy and night splints to stretch and strengthen your fascia. Orthotics may help provide support and evenly distribute pressure on your foot. A change of footwear to shoes that provide cushioning and support to the foot is often necessary.

Of course, decreasing your body weight and modifying activities to reduce your fascia stress are also recommended. When conservative treatments fail and you have chronic plantar fasciitis, your doctor may recommend plantar fasciotomy surgery or non-invasive Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy treatment.

Alternative to Surgery

Conservative treatments may help reduce symptoms of chronic plantar fasciitis, but sometimes the fascia is too degenerated. Your doctor may recommend plantar fasciotomy surgery where the fascia is partially cut to release the tension. You also have a non-invasive option.

OrthoWave® is an FDA approved High-energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (HeSWT) treatment and a non-invasive alternative to surgery. Only a single session of OrthoWave® is needed, and there is no downtime after your treatment, unlike surgery. Since 2010, HeSWT is recommended over the surgery by the College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons because it is exceptionally safe and highly effective.


Plantar fasciitis is painful and can affect every aspect of your life. Hopefully, this has helped you better understand the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and some treatment options. Plantar fasciitis may be common, but it is also preventable. Listen to your body and take care of your feet to reduce your risk of getting this painful condition. You do not have to live with the pain of plantar fasciitis as there are numerous treatment options to get you back on your feet and doing the things you love again pain free.

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